In order to configure the send email feature in Ramom School navigate to Settings->School Settings->Email Settings.
Email Protocol
PHP Mail, SMTP Mail(PHPMailer).
It’s highly recommended to configure the SMTP(PHPMailer) protocol for sending emails. Setting up SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for email involves configuring your email client or application to send emails using an SMTP server. Here’s a general guide on how to set it up:
Configuration for Server Email SMTP
Email Encryption
Enter your SMTP hostname. Example:
Enter your SMTP port
SMTP Username
If you are using an email service provider like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc, the SMTP username is usually your full email address (e.g. [email protected]).
Fill the password for login, you should already know your password.
Configuration for Gmail SMTP
If you are using your Google Account password to connect to SMTP, it’s highly recommended to update your password with an App Password to avoid any email sending disruptions, find more information on how to generate App Password for your Google Account at the following link:
Common Issues
If your email is still not being sent after confirming all of the above, we strongly recommend you contact your hosting provider, In most cases the problem is related to your server configuration. Example: DNS failure, firewall blocking, hosting provider blocking outbound connections, etc. So in this case, only your hosting provider can help you!
* Sometimes it appears that the emails are sent but it is found in the Spam folder, you can also check the Spam folder.
You can also check the following URLs to know more about PHPMailer error:
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